Optometric Residency
Ocular Disease / Low Vision Rehabilitation
Hospital Appointment: 2008
Email: lauren.ristin@va.gov
Academic Background:
B.S. 2002 Northern Michigan University
Magna Cum Laude
O.D. 2006 Pennsylvania College of Optometry
Residency 2008 Ocular Disease and Low Vision Rehabilitation, Jesse Brown VAMC and Hines VAH
Lauren C Ristin, OD, FAAO
Optometry Attending

Dr. Ristin has been an attending at the Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center since her residency in 2008, in addition to previously working in many other professional settings. She is involved in the clinical and didactic instruction of 3 residents and 12 students yearly and is an adjunct faculty member at the Illinois College of Optometry. Dr. Ristin is actively involved in the American Academy of Optometry, serving as the Glaucoma Section Chair from 2017-2018 as well as the principal investigator of the Bottoms Up research project supported the Academy. She is also involved in the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Optometry, serving as President from 2018-2020. Dr. Ristin is currently a remote examiner for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry and a reviewer for Optometry and Vision Science. She has a special interest in glaucoma diagnosis and monitoring and herpetic eye disease.